Autumn Term 2 2021

Friday 17th December 2021
Class Tamar have had a fantastic Christmas filled week to finish off our Autumn term. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to seeing you all in 2022!!
Friday 10th December 2021
It was performance week this week! All of KS2 did amazingly at performing 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Alongside this, we spent some time talking more about climate change and the important actions that we can take to help tackle climate change. In science this week we carried out an investigation on changing shadows. We measured how a shadow changes when light moves further away. We learnt that the shadow of an object gets smaller as the light moves further away from the object. In DT this week we decided on our final design for our bread - we have selected our added ingredients to make sure that it is full of flavour! We made Christmas decorations today for our Christmas tree in All Saints Church, Millbrook. You can go and see these at the Christmas Tree Festival. We will be making more of these next week to take home for our own trees!
Friday 3rd December 2021
In Geography we researched animals that live in the different layers of the rainforest. We evaluated our podcasts in computing, identifying what was good about these and how we could have improved them further. For PE we did cartwheels and rolls. We needed to remember to have the momentum to go into it using confidence. We have done lots of play practice this week and included props today. We can't wait to perform this next week!
Friday 26th November 2021
In maths this week we have continued to work on our multiplication and division skills making sure that we are able to represent multiplication and division in different ways. In English we watched the start of a video called 'the Dream Catcher'. We had a go at describing the setting and characters using different sentences structures. 
In computing this week we added music to our podcasts! In RE we looked at how Hindus celebrate Diwali. In science we learnt about the importance of protecting our eyes in the sun, we created sun safety posters to show our understanding of this. 
In Geography this week we were introduced to the different layers of the rainforest and learnt how each of these have it's own climate. For DT we made salt dough in order to practice the techniques used to knead and shape bread. 
Friday 19th November 2021
Friday 12th November 2021
This week we have moved onto out new maths unit - multiplication and division. We have all been working so hard at learning and remembering our 7 times tables! In English this week we have been working on our newspaper reports. We were writing to inform, reporting about what is happening in the story of 'Fantastic Mr Fox' as if we were there witnessing the farmers digging for the family of foxes. 
In computing this week we practise recording our own sounds and played back the recorded audio. We also listened to a couple of podcasts to identify their key features. 

In RE we explored the idea that Hindu deities are six ways of understanding God – six pictures to help Hindus relate to the impossible-to-understand Ultimate Reality, Brahman (God). We looked at different pictures of Hindu deities and thought about if we could identify common or distinctive features for each. We then drew 6 pictures to help represent different parts of our personality too!

In science we learnt about what surfaces best reflect light. We compared our coats to see if there were any parts that reflected light well. We used torches to test these. We concluded that smooth, shiny, light surfaces reflect light the best. We also discussed the importance of wearing reflective clothing when outside in the dark.

In geography this week we were introduced to biomes. We had a think about what jobs in the future might we need to know about the different biomes. We looked carefully at a world map which highlighted the different biomes and had a go at making our own, making sure we had a clear'key' for each biome. 

In DT today we carried out our own market research. We researched the texture, taste, smell and appearance or four different types of bread (white bread, brown bread, seeded bread and fruit loaf). Following our market research we discovered that White bread was the most popular all round!


Friday 5th November 2021
In English this week we have started reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We started the week with some role play putting ourselves in the shoes of the main characters. We learnt about how to use interesting conjunctions and moved onto punctuating speech using reporting clauses. We challenged ourselves by avoiding the word "said". In maths this week we are near the end of our addition and subtraction unit, year 4's have had a go at estimating calculations and year 3's have moved onto exchanging in column subtraction.
In RE this week we began our Hinduism unit and learnt about how Hindus describe God. We used water and salt to represent how Hindus believe that God is everywhere and in everything, but cannot be seen. We started our bread unit for DT and learnt about the history of Warburtons. 
In science we started our light unit, we used feely bags to show how we cannot see the objects when there is no light on it! We had to guess what items were inside by feeling them. When we opened the feely bags the light was able to illuminate the objects. Darkness is the absence of light. 
We found out our parts for the end of term play this week, we will be learning the songs to this for our music unit this term. We got outside to create some Christmas themed art work using the materials around us on the field. 
In computing today we reflected on what makes a good audio recording ready to start recording our own podcasts. In PSHE we had a go at drawing our own family portraits and discussed how all of our families are different. We reflected on why our family is important to us. 
Homework - You are onto week 6 in your maths booklet this week. Please make sure your spellings and homework is handed in next Thursday.
As always, please make sure you are reading at least 5 times a week and that this is recorded in your reading reacords.