Spring 2 2024

Complete one handwriting sheet per week with the matching wordsearch.
Complete one 'workout' in their white Maths book.
Read 5 times per week (minimum) and have this recorded in their journals. 
PE is twice a week and usually a Tuesday and a Wednesday. However, please ensure your child has a PE kit in school every day as sometimes plans change.
Thursday 28th March 2024

This week the children have been super excited knowing that Thursday was the Easter bonnet parade and Easter egg hunt.

The children have enjoyed learning about microhabitats in Science and we enjoyed going outside to find some creatures that lived in log piles, tree stumps, the grass and in piles of leaves.

In English we thought about the character of Zahra and we did the hot-seating activity using the questions we created last week. We then thought about parts of her life: personality, homelife and family, responsibilities and whether she had any hopes and dreams. From this we wrote detailed character descriptions – there were a lot of expanded noun phrases and conjunctions used!

In DT the children finished their fabric eggs and lots got to take them home. The careful sewing was tricky but they didn’t give up.

Have a truly wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back in the summer term.


Miss G x

Friday 22nd March 2024

This week the children had their end point in PE and we had a super fun game of ‘bench ball’. The children worked well in their teams and communicated well. They remembered the skills of having their eyes on the ball and having their hands open and ready to receive the ball. We also said well done to each other even when we didn’t wint – we were being respectful to each other.


In PSHE we had our final day with our visitor who has been teaching us techniques such as naming our emotion and what we can do to help us get out of certain emotions such as anxious or anger. We learnt about feeling fizzy and how we can scream, cry or talk to help us feel better. We also remembered that we could use ‘rainbow breathing’ to help us.


In RE we reflected on why Easter is important to Christians and what all of the symbols represent and mean. We also thought about how the Easter story makes people feel at different points in the story. We decided that overall it’s a positive story as it represents new life, forgiveness and shows Christians just how powerful and special Jesus is.


Lots of children had their PE kits this week so thank you very much for ensuring that happened.

Please complete handwriting homework, maths and reading 5 times a week.


Have a super weekend,



Miss G x

Friday 15th March 2024

This week the children have been thinking about fruit that comes from Kenya. We tried lots of yummy fruits and then thought about what school dinners are like in Kenya compared to our school dinners here.

 In Science we thought about an Ocean habitat and why animals may live there. We learned that they need gills to breathe under water and often they can use the plants to help them hide from predators.  

In DT the children have begun preparing the materials to make their felt egg. They have begun choosing the fabric and cutting what they need.

In RE the children acted out the Easter story and then thought about what emotions the story would make people feel.

We have all been having fun counting in tens this week as it’s an objective that the year ones have been covering!

In English we have really enjoyed planning and beginning to write our own exciting stories that have a beginning, middle and an end. They all have a main character and a magical item that a baddie wants to steal!

Please keep reading and I shall try and remember to give out the homework this week – whoopsy!

Miss G x

Thursday 7th March 2024

This week has been a different week as it has been assessment week across the school which means we all had some special challenges to complete. The children have worked very hard this week and I am proud of them for trying their best.

The children have enjoyed learning about desert habitats in science and learning about a type of animal calls a reptile. It manages to survive in its habitat because it’s cold-blooded! We were also shocked to find out that camels do not store water in their humps, but it is fat that they convert to energy.

In PE the children worked on their passing skills again and remembering the different ways to pass a ball. We then made this trickier by adding a person into the group to try and intercept the ball. This made it extra hard to pass the ball to our partmer!

We all enjoyed dressing up for world book day and we had a video link with an author named Helen Stevenson. We stood up in front of the class and confidently spoke about who we were and what book our character was from.

Tomorrow is our Eden trip and I know the children are so excited!

Please remember to read 5 times a week and record this in your child’s journal.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 1st March 2024

This week in RE the children did a detailed sequencing of the Easter story. Lots of children also labelled their pictures to give some extra information.

In PE we worked on our passing and had a go at doing a chest pass to our partner. We had to try and pass the ball along the entire netball court without dropping it. We kept our eyes on the ball and our hands ready to receive the ball.

In Science we looked at what a polar habitat is like and what animals and plants might live there. We found out that polar bears are well adapted because they have extra layers of fat on their bodies and they also have a lot of thick fur to keep them warm.

In Geography the children had to compare Kenya to Cornwall – we had some fantastic written pieces about this.

In Computing, the children had to label and group objects. A label is important so people know what the groupings are.

In DT the children thought about their design criteria for their fabric easter egg – they decided that they needed to be colourful and eye-catching. The children enjoyed looking around the school at other things that had been made form fabric.

Please ensure homework is completed and handed in on a Thursday. Please also ensure that children are reading at least 5 times a week and that this is being signed off in their journals.


Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x

Friday 23rd February 2024

In English we were surprised to see a package in the classroom. It turned out to be a magic paintbrush and a message said that we had to look after it! We then read our new English text, ‘The Magic Paintbrush’, We really enjoyed the story and we worked in pairs to act out a page each. We recorded this and then put it together to make our own movie of the story. We then thought about how the book rhymes and had a go at making some of our own rhyming couplets. Towards the end of the week, we had a go at continuing a poem by adding in a missing rhyming word.

Year 2 maths has gotten a little trickier as they have moved onto multiplication and division – eeek! The year ones have moved on to addition and subtraction. This week we have been looking at doubles and near doubles and using this knowledge to assist us with addition and subtraction problems.

In PE we are looking at basketball skills and we started our new topic by seeing if we could remember our throwing and catching skills form last half term and also seeing if we can have good control of the ball by moving it around our bodies.

In RE the children looked at the Easter story and had a go at sequencing.

In DT the children looked at designs on easter eggs and the patterns on them to build up to creating their own fabric egg designs.

In Geography the children re-capped continents and where Africa is. The searched for Kenya and discussed what the children already think life is like for children in some rural areas of Kenya.

Children will be bringing home homework this week. As usual, they have a wordsearch, a handwriting sheet and their maths book. Please complete one of each and return by Thursdays. Children are also expected to read 5 times a week and have this recorded in their reading journals.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x