Spring 1 2022

Thursday 17th February
Not the last day of half term we expected but please everyone stay safe and have a lovely break. Recharge those batteries.
This week we played a mini tournament in PE of netball, handball and hockey using the skills we had learnt through the unit.
In computing we started to learn about flow charts - what they are, what the different shape boxes mean and how they work. We then made our own.
We enjoyed doing reading comprehension skills in English on inference. We liked having a small bit of text to enjoy and then skimming and scanning for the clues to answer the questions.
In maths year 5 have been working hard on timetables, working out which way to read them and what the different divisions are. Year 6 have been getting to grips with algebra and how a letter can be a substitute for a number.
Read as much as possible towards your bookquest
Friday 11th February
This week in PE we were working on our invasion games skills. We played a game made up from a few different sports. We were challenged by having different balls that required different skills.
For science we were looking at drugs - substances that affect the body. We found out that there are legal and illegal drugs. We looked at the effects they can have.
We made a final recording of a song in music and compared it to what we had done before. We were really pleased that we had made lots of improvements.
Ghandi was our focus in RE and we looked at how he stood up for people's rights in India and even got sent to prison for it.
To finish our computing unit we made quizzes based on what we had learnt and tested our friends with them.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading every day
Friday 4th February
In science we did an investigation to see what happened to our heart rate before, during and after exercise and recorded our results in a graph.
We are very proud of our finished flower sculptures and used our last lesson to evaluate them.
For PE we played a netball tournament where we had to apply all of the skills we have been learning through our unit.
In English we wrote our investigative report about the case of Goldilocks. We summarised the evidence and came to a verdict of whether she was guilty or not. We had a mix of results.
In computing we learnt more about online safety. We had the idea of a SMART bot which gave us ideas of what we could do in different scenarios to keep us safe.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading every day 
Friday 28th January
In art we have wire sculptures covered in tissue paper to make flowers. We used different types of wire to mould them. We used R and R to work together in pairs.
In music we revisited some of the songs we have been learning including Wish. This one is in three parts and we took turns in three group to try each layer. The base line was the easiest but we had to make sure we didn't go too fast.
In English we have been doing activities on our own modern version of Goldilocks. We have made police information boards and written witness statements as well as role playing a police interview.
For PE we played handball. It is a mixture of football and basketball and had to try and get the ball into the other teams goal.
Spelling test on Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading due in every day
Friday 21st January 2022
We used lots of confidence to make the wire frame for our flower sculptures which we stood on a plasticine base. We will be using tissue paper and glue to add colour to them next week.
Enthusiasm was flowing out of the hall this afternoon when we learnt three more new songs in music. A lot of them were energetic today and standing up helped us to express them.
In English we have enjoyed using a film to consider alternative motives in the story of the three little pigs. We are now starting to apply the same ideas to the story of Goldilocks.
Reading every day
Maths due Thursday - you all have an addition and multiplication problems sheet
Friday 14th January 2022
In art we researched flowers and plants online and sketched them in our books to help us think about how we might make them from wire.
For English we were learning prepositional phrases for example: the sheets are on the chair.
For PE we played capture the flag. We needed to use our skills of dodging, teamwork, agility and tactics.
In science we looked at how water and nutrients get into our circulatory system. We got into groups to share our understanding. Some of us used role play while others did a presentation. We used lots of confidence to do it in front of the class.
In music we learnt two new songs. One has three parts to learn which sound really nice when they are layered up.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading to an adult every day
Friday 7th January
In maths we have focussed on decimals this week, rounding them, converting them to fractions and understanding the place value.
For science we were learning about the circulatory system which takes what your body needs around the body in the blood. The heart is the organ in the system that pumps the blood.
In PE we did a warmup game and then did a fitness circuit. We found the plank a little tricky as we had just done press ups so our arms were tired.
In our other PE we were focussing on teamwork so played some challenging games which needed you to talk through what you had to do. We also tried some non-verbally.
In art we looked at wire sculptures and then had a try at using wire and wrote our names with it. We also made animal shapes like elephants and cats.
For English we are focussing on grammar and have looked at active and passive and how if you use these the focus of the sentence changes.
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths exercise 12 in the book or your sheet for Thursday
5 x reading signed for Friday