Spring Term 1 2024

Week ending 9th February
Another busy half term. We have completed book reviews and comprehensions in English this week and within maths Year 4 have continued with multiplication and division of bigger numbers. Year 3 have started the topic on measures and have been measuring in mm, cm and metres.
On Monday we had a really successful careers day finding out about possible jobs in the future.
Please keep up the reading and TTRS over half term.
Enjoy the break,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch

Weekending 2nd February 2024


In maths we have been using our times tables facts to do short division including exchanging. The TTRS is making a difference so please keep it up! Year 3 have started looking at measures on Friday and measured in centimetres and metres. In English we have been writing the story of The Windmill Farmer using paragraphs for each part. We have also been editing and improving.


In science we learnt about water turning into water vapour or condensation. This process is called evaporation.  We used a kettle to show evaporation. Within PE we played dodgeball and created sequences of movements.

We finished out History topic on the Ancient Greeks by looking at democracy and that democracy is an important British value. We found out about the Hindu festival of Diwali and what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.


Please keep up with the reading the children are doing brilliantly and the same goes for TTRS!! Thank you.


Have a lovely weekend,

Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch



Week ending 26 January 2024
In English, this week, we have been busy creating letters to persuade the council to take
down the windmills in Blusterville Village in The Windmill Farmer. In Maths, Year 3’s have
completed the multiplication and division topic and the year 4’s are multiplying and dividing
a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.

We have finished our Computing topic, where we created a musical instrument using
programming blocks and performed our sequences to the class. In Science, we carried out
our experiment of ‘what temperature of water would melt chocolate the fastest?’
We continued with our topic of dance in P.E where we listened to ‘Let’s go fly a kite’ from
Mary Poppins whilst we had to use our imaginations on how to get a kite into the sky
through dance.

In History, we have discussed Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Greece. Following this, in R.E,
we researched into where Hindus go to worship which is in a Mandir.
Sadly, Miss Abbie Roach had her final day with Class Tamar and our school. We wish her all the very best in her teaching career and we know that Class Tamar will miss her!
Enjoy your weekend,
Rouen Gargan Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 19 January 2024
This week, in English, we have focused on writing our newspaper reports on what happened
to the Windmill Farm during the devastating storm. In Maths, Year 3 and 4 have continued with their multiplication and division topic learning how to use part whole models and focusing on our tens and ones.
In Science, we have written our plan ready to complete our ‘what temperature melts chocolate the fastest?’ experiment next week. During PE, we have developed our skills on how the wind moves in our weather topic and performed in our pairs to Tchaikovsky -Swan Lake (Swan Theme). We compared Ancient Greek Olympics and Modern Day Olympics in History, and we discovered interesting facts about the past and the present. We have started out topic on Hinduism at home and in the community, with the children finding out how Hindus might worship at home. In art we looked at the composition of Ulysses and the Sirens, for example a light or dark part of the  picture. 
Please keep up the reading and daily recording as well as the TTRS. It really does make a difference!
On a sadder note, Miss Roach will be with us for her last week next week.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach.

Weekending 12th January 2024


Welcome back to the new Spring Term. Firstly, thank you for the continued effort with reading and TTRS.


We have continued with our topic on multiplication for both Year 3 and 4, with Year 4 multiplying by 10 and 100. We know that when we ‘add a zero’ what we are actually doing is moving the number to the left and increasing its value.

In English, we started our new topic on The Windmill Farmer, where we began to identify the key features of a newspaper article and began to plan our own newspaper article on the events of what happened during The Windmill Farmer video. In History we started our topic on Ancient Greece. We found out that it is in Europe and has lots of islands. We then created a timeline of events, but we had to go from right to left as it was a BC timeline. In Computing we started to use algorithms and debugging when using Scratch.


Have a lovely weekend,

Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach