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Fourlanesend CP School


Complete one handwriting sheet per week with the matching wordsearch.
Complete one 'workout' in their White Rose Maths book.
Read 5 times per week (minimum) and have this recorded in their journals. 
PE is twice a week and usually a Tuesday and a Wednesday. However, please ensure your child has a PE kit in school every day as sometimes plans change.

Summer Term 2 2024

Knowledge Organisers 


Photobooks are added after each half term. 

Weekly Updates

Friday 19th July 2024

The final week of the year! The children are shattered and so are we! 

In Phonics we have looked at the prefix -un and how this changed the meanings of the word to the opposite.

We have written a postcard about our trip to Looe based on the characters from out English texts 'The Light in the Night'. The pictures they drew on the back were wonderfully detailed. 

We had a really lovely morning learning how to play water pong and supporting our team mates. 

Have a truly wonderful six week break and we look forward to welcoming you back in September. 


Stay safe, 


Miss G x

Friday 12th July 2024

This week the children have been working together to think about suffixes such as -ing, -es, -s, -ed and then on Friday we looked at the prefix -re. 

In Computing we used a green pen to edit our paper algorithm plans and then went onto the ipads to create them and check they worked properly. The children are really good at using Scratch!

In Music we continued to practice holding the beater correctly and tapping out the A, GG, F as the response in the song 'come dance with me'.

In PE we played dodgeball; we had to listen to instructions and ensure that we looked where we wanted the ball to go. We had to use the star shape to throw the ball just like we do in our cricket lessons. 

Please keep reading, there isn't any homework this week.

You all deserve a rest!

Miss G 

Friday 5th July 2024

This week the children have enjoyed creating their own dips in DT and evaluating them. A few decided their plan had too many tomatoes so they had to amend this. 

In PSHE the children have reflected on things that they have learnt this year - one said they didn't know that latex came from a tree until we had our science lesson on materials. 

In Science the children brought together all of their knowledge about materials and thought about why we use the materials that we do. Windows are made of glass because they are transparent so we can see out of them and they let in light. We thought about why the school is made out of bricks - it needs to be strong.

In Maths we've all worked together to recap days of the week and months of the year to retrieve information from a calendar, for example. The year two children have been working on statistics. 

In English we have spent a little bit of time working on some suffixes that we sometimes get wrong in our writing, such as -ed and -ing.

We are very excited about our trip on Monday! Please be at St. German's train station by 8:30AM and pick up will be around 2:30pm.

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss G x

Friday 28th June 2024

In Computing the children have been putting different sprites into different backgrounds and removing movement blocks.

RE - looking at sacred places in Cornwall. Eg, the Cheese wrings and St Michael's Mount. We took part in some meditation activities to think about how people may choose to act in a sacred place.

In PSHE they thought about the body parts and males and females and using the correct vocabulary to describe them.

The children have enjoyed designing posters for our summer fayre activity and deciding how much to charge for people to have a turn. 

In English, the children pretended to be a pirate away at sea who wrote a letter back to a loved one to tell them all about their adventure. We challenged ourselves to use adjectives, expanded noun phrases and similes. 

Please ensure homework is completed by Thursday and that children have read at least 5 times for the week.

Have a wonderful weekend, Miss G x

Friday 21st June 2024

In RE the children looked at the story of St. Piran and how he came to Cornwall.

In PSHE they looked at how we needed our grown ups when we were babies, to look after us. we also talked about what we can do by ourselves now. We talked about how we have changed form babies, to toddlers to a child.

In Music we learnt what a crochet and quaver are and how they sound different. 

In Computing we looked at reducing our coding sequences by putting numbers under the blocks. 

In Science we thought about how materials can be used for multiple things and why. For example, wood can be used for picnic benches and for internal doors. Wood is strong so it works for both purposes. 

In DT the children made their own thousand island dip - exciting! It did get a little messy.

Our cricket skills are improving every week and the accuracy of bowling and batting has been amazing to see. We have even begun to think about the scoring system and the children were enjoying counting how many runs they could get before the fielders hit the ball on the cones. (we will use stumps next week).

Please ensure that handwriting and maths homework is completed by Thursday and that children have read at least 5 times ad had this recorded in their journal. 

Have a restful weekend, 

Miss G x

Friday 14th June 2024

It’s been a bust week for Class Cremyll. Year 2 had their SATS challenge and year  ones had their Phonics screening challenge. They have worked so hard and I am very proud of the mature approach to these challenges.

In RE the children have thought about what makes their local area special and created posters to show the reasons why.

In Computing the children used the Scratch Junior program to connect blocks together to make their sprite move around the screen.

In DT the children explored different dippers such as carrot sticks and breadsticks. They are really looking forward to designing their own dip.

In Science the children looked at a range of natural materials and thought about whether they could bend, twist or stretch. We discovered that a lot of the materials cannot but they can when they have been heated. We watched a video of marbles being made and of a welder using a blowtorch to bend metal!

In PE we have been developing our batting and bowling skills in cricket.

Please ensure that homework is completed and handed in by Thursday and that children have read at least 5 times a week.

Have a super weekend, Miss G x

Friday 7th June 2024

This week the children have enjoyed exploring our new English Text 'The Pirates Next Door'. We have sequenced the story and written summaries for the beginning, middle and end. We also explored formal and informal language and thought about how the pirates spoke. 

In Computing we thought about single commands on Scratch Jnr and learnt that the cat is a sprite that can be told how to move. 

In Music we learnt a new song which has a call and response style called 'come dance with me'.

In RE we looked at special places in our local area. We thought places like Rame Head, Kingsand clock tower and the beach were special places to us.

In PSHE we discussed life cycles and how we change from a baby to being elderly. 

Please read 5 times a week and ensure that all homework is completed and handed in by Thursday.

Next week the year one children will be taking part in a Phonics screening challenge and the year two children will be taking part in the non-statutory key stage one SATS. The children are excited to show off their learning.

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss G x


Summer Term 1 2024

Knowledge Organisers



Weekly Updates

Friday 17th May 2024

This week class Cremyll have had a ‘sticky knowledge’ quiz in RE so we could showcase all that we had learnt. We explained lots of the key vocabulary.

In PSHE we looked at how incredible we are and thought abut things that we are good at. We drew self portraits and wrote a sentence about it.

In Computing we thought about how to make changes to our text using fonts. We compared writing on paper to digital writing.

In PE we had to follow a map of the field and find clues to solve the challenges.

Sports day is next Friday and we shall be doing some more practicing next week.

Please keep reading and ensure all homework is complete and handed in by Thursday.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 10th May 2024

This week we have been looking at Cottonwool Colin and have started to think about what our characters will be for our own stories. We have ‘Rubber Rick’ and ‘Tinfoil Tim’ as some examples. We have planned a beginning, middle and an end and we shall start writing them next week.

The children enjoyed being outside for wildtribe, the weather was beautiful. They made clay minibeast and got to eat some popcorn with sugar on it! They also did some mud painting – apologies if they were messy!

In Computing the children used keyboards on the ipads to add and remove text. They also explored the toolbar and how to make the text bold, italicised or underlined. We also looked at how to use upper and lower case letters.

In PE a naught badger hid all of the equipment so the children had to work as teams to solve clues to find the missing bits. This was so much fun. In our other PE lessons we have been doing some sports day practice. We are getting so good at sack and skipping now.

The year two children have been looking at fractions and as an introduction to multiplication, the year one children have been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and seeing what different amounts of groups equal.

Please ensure homework is returned before Thursday and that children have read and this is recorded in their journals.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 3rd May 2024

This week the children have started to look at a new text in English: Cottonwool Colin. We talked about what we thought was going to happen and paused at relevant parts. We then had a go at ‘summarising’ what happens. We used bullet points which the children found exciting. They liked that they didn’t have to write out the whole story!

In Science we had a think about ‘living, dead and never alive’. We had some great discussions about things like pencils and tables as they used to be trees which were alive so they classified as a ‘dead’ object now.

In RE the children have been thinking about ‘peace’ and who the disciples were.

In PSHE they have been thinking about how we can greet people and friends: hugs (if given permission), high five, waves etc..

In Music the children had a go at responding to music by drawing and then reflected on their favourite versions.

Please keep reading and completing homework.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 26th April 2024

In RE we looked at the story of Peter the fisherman and how the story talked of forgiveness.  We drew pictures with speech bubbles saying why we are sorry and asking for forgiveness.

In PSHE we looked at what made  a good friend and thought about qualities that they need such as sharing and being a good listener.

In History, we looked at Neil Armstrong – he was the first man on the moon!

In Art we had a think about sculptures and we had  ago at making our own 3 dimensional sculptures using materials from around the classroom.

The years ones have been very lucky this week and have had WildTribe AND EarthTribe. They have loved spending so much time outdoors whilst doing their learning.

Have a super weekend and please ensure that all homework is completed and handed in by Thursday.

Miss G x

Friday 19th April 2024

Happy Summer 1 term!

The children have been looking at a new story in English. ‘Something Fishy’. They loved the creative element of the washing machine being an ocean with socks as fish and trousers as a shark. The children have acted out the story to their peers and they have been using exciting adjectives to describe some of the nouns in the video. They’ve also written some super sentences about the  story and ensured they have used accurate punctuation.

The children had such a wonderful time during WildTribe and listened well during the fire safety talk. This week they observed how the marshmallows were toasted and next week they will get to have a go at doing it themselves. The children used materials to clothe their stick friends.

We had the RNLI visit us during the week and the children took part in an interactive assembly. The children should now be able to tell you how to FLOAT safely if they ever run into difficulty in the water and how to signal for help using a closed fist.

In Science the children have been thinking about diet an dhow it varies for different animals. We thought about how we get food, how pets get food and how wild animals get their food. We don’t all eat the same food either!

In RE the children have been talking about  what the good news is from Jesus for Matthew.

No homework sheets this week


Spring Term 2 2024

Knowledge Organisers




Weekly Updates

Thursday 28th March 2024

This week the children have been super excited knowing that Thursday was the Easter bonnet parade and Easter egg hunt.

The children have enjoyed learning about microhabitats in Science and we enjoyed going outside to find some creatures that lived in log piles, tree stumps, the grass and in piles of leaves.

In English we thought about the character of Zahra and we did the hot-seating activity using the questions we created last week. We then thought about parts of her life: personality, homelife and family, responsibilities and whether she had any hopes and dreams. From this we wrote detailed character descriptions – there were a lot of expanded noun phrases and conjunctions used!

In DT the children finished their fabric eggs and lots got to take them home. The careful sewing was tricky but they didn’t give up.

Have a truly wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back in the summer term.


Miss G x


Friday 22nd March 2024

This week the children had their end point in PE and we had a super fun game of ‘bench ball’. The children worked well in their teams and communicated well. They remembered the skills of having their eyes on the ball and having their hands open and ready to receive the ball. We also said well done to each other even when we didn’t wint – we were being respectful to each other.

In PSHE we had our final day with our visitor who has been teaching us techniques such as naming our emotion and what we can do to help us get out of certain emotions such as anxious or anger. We learnt about feeling fizzy and how we can scream, cry or talk to help us feel better. We also remembered that we could use ‘rainbow breathing’ to help us.

In RE we reflected on why Easter is important to Christians and what all of the symbols represent and mean. We also thought about how the Easter story makes people feel at different points in the story. We decided that overall it’s a positive story as it represents new life, forgiveness and shows Christians just how powerful and special Jesus is.

Lots of children had their PE kits this week so thank you very much for ensuring that happened.

Please complete handwriting homework, maths and reading 5 times a week.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 15th March 2024

This week the children have been thinking about fruit that comes from Kenya. We tried lots of yummy fruits and then thought about what school dinners are like in Kenya compared to our school dinners here.

 In Science we thought about an Ocean habitat and why animals may live there. We learned that they need gills to breathe under water and often they can use the plants to help them hide from predators.  

In DT the children have begun preparing the materials to make their felt egg. They have begun choosing the fabric and cutting what they need.

In RE the children acted out the Easter story and then thought about what emotions the story would make people feel.

We have all been having fun counting in tens this week as it’s an objective that the year ones have been covering!

In English we have really enjoyed planning and beginning to write our own exciting stories that have a beginning, middle and an end. They all have a main character and a magical item that a baddie wants to steal!

Please keep reading and I shall try and remember to give out the homework this week – whoopsy!

Miss G x


Thursday 7th March 2024

This week has been a different week as it has been assessment week across the school which means we all had some special challenges to complete. The children have worked very hard this week and I am proud of them for trying their best.

The children have enjoyed learning about desert habitats in science and learning about a type of animal calls a reptile. It manages to survive in its habitat because it’s cold-blooded! We were also shocked to find out that camels do not store water in their humps, but it is fat that they convert to energy.

In PE the children worked on their passing skills again and remembering the different ways to pass a ball. We then made this trickier by adding a person into the group to try and intercept the ball. This made it extra hard to pass the ball to our partner!

We all enjoyed dressing up for world book day and we had a video link with an author named Helen Stevenson. We stood up in front of the class and confidently spoke about who we were and what book our character was from.

Tomorrow is our Eden trip and I know the children are so excited!

Please remember to read 5 times a week and record this in your child’s journal.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 1st March 2024

This week in RE the children did a detailed sequencing of the Easter story. Lots of children also labelled their pictures to give some extra information.

In PE we worked on our passing and had a go at doing a chest pass to our partner. We had to try and pass the ball along the entire netball court without dropping it. We kept our eyes on the ball and our hands ready to receive the ball.

In Science we looked at what a polar habitat is like and what animals and plants might live there. We found out that polar bears are well adapted because they have extra layers of fat on their bodies and they also have a lot of thick fur to keep them warm.

In Geography the children had to compare Kenya to Cornwall – we had some fantastic written pieces about this.

In Computing, the children had to label and group objects. A label is important so people know what the groupings are.

In DT the children thought about their design criteria for their fabric easter egg – they decided that they needed to be colourful and eye-catching. The children enjoyed looking around the school at other things that had been made from fabric.

Please ensure homework is completed and handed in on a Thursday. Please also ensure that children are reading at least 5 times a week and that this is being signed off in their journals.


Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 23rd February 2024

In English we were surprised to see a package in the classroom. It turned out to be a magic paintbrush and a message said that we had to look after it! We then read our new English text, ‘The Magic Paintbrush’, We really enjoyed the story and we worked in pairs to act out a page each. We recorded this and then put it together to make our own movie of the story. We then thought about how the book rhymes and had a go at making some of our own rhyming couplets. Towards the end of the week, we had a go at continuing a poem by adding in a missing rhyming word.

Year 2 maths has gotten a little trickier as they have moved onto multiplication and division – eeek! The year ones have moved on to addition and subtraction. This week we have been looking at doubles and near doubles and using this knowledge to assist us with addition and subtraction problems.

In PE we are looking at basketball skills and we started our new topic by seeing if we could remember our throwing and catching skills form last half term and also seeing if we can have good control of the ball by moving it around our bodies.

In RE the children looked at the Easter story and had a go at sequencing.

In DT the children looked at designs on easter eggs and the patterns on them to build up to creating their own fabric egg designs.

In Geography the children re-capped continents and where Africa is. The searched for Kenya and discussed what the children already think life is like for children in some rural areas of Kenya.

Children will be bringing home homework this week. As usual, they have a wordsearch, a handwriting sheet and their maths book. Please complete one of each and return by Thursdays. Children are also expected to read 5 times a week and have this recorded in their reading journals.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x



Spring Term 1 2024

Knowledge Organisers




Weekly Updates

Friday 9th February 2024

We absolutely loved careers day and we had good fun guessing what everyone was dressed up as. We had  a zoom call with some people and we had to ask questions to guess what their job was. We then created posters about what we would like to be when we are older and what values these jobs use. We enjoyed telling some of the parents that popped in on Wednesday what we would like to do and why.

On Wednesday we had a zoom with the Royal Opera House and we watched some ballet and had a little go ourselves!

In PSHE we looked at steps to succeed and how we need to listen, follow instructions and support each other to achieve our goals.

In Music we listened to a chant and how many syllables it had. We had to chant and clap. We then had to compose our own melodies using C D E.

In English we have been using a range of conjunctions to join two sentences and then we did a piece of writing about how the butterflies were moving in the video story.

Have a super half term and we look forward to welcoming you back for Spring Term 2!

Miss G x


Friday 2nd February 2024

On Monday we had a special visitor come and deliver a ‘Healthy Hearts and Healthy Minds’ workshop with us. We talked a lot about our feelings and looked at the Worry Monster story. We also talked about how rainbows make us feel and how beautiful all of the colours are. We made nature bookmarks and exciting rockets out of pipettes.

On Thursday we had our 1974 day and we loved dressing up in different clothing. The children enjoyed seeing what it would have been like for children in this time. They played games outside like marbles, hopscotch and skipping.

In PE we practiced passing the ball to a partner and then we had  ago at trying to shoot and score in a goal. We had a little mini 3v3 game and the children had such a great time. They all asked if we could do it again on our next PE lesson!

In English we have enjoyed watching a video story. Its called ‘The Book of Butterflies’ and the butterflies fly out of the book and come to life. We have been using adjectives to write some super sentences that have capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We have also been challenging ourselves to join two sentences together using a conjunction.

In Science we have been thinking about the parts of a tree and how these are similar/different to the parts of a plant.

Please ensure that maths and spelling homework is complete an that all children have read at least five times and had this recorded in their reading journal.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 26th January 2024

This week we went with class Plym on a walk to the woods as part of our science unit. We searched for some wild plants but we didn’t see many. We decided that this must be because it is Winter and we thought we should go back again in the summer. We did however find some daffodils, some brambles and some evergreen and deciduous trees.

In PE we continued with our dribbling and passing skills and then we had a go at dribbling towards a goal and then having a go at shooting a goal. We used the side of our foot and when we took our time, we found our accuracy improved.

In computing we loved having the Beebots out and we had to use the buttons to program them to go in different directions. We had an exploring lesson and soon we will be making them go to specific destinations.

Please keep reading 5 times a week and ensure that homework is completed by a Thursday.

 I hope the children are excited for their 1970’s day on Thursday.

Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 19th January 2024


Group 4: nd, sm, gl and tricky word like, have.

Group 6: phase 6 spelling rules.

Group 5: unit 26 consolidation games, tch, sh (mission, magician)

In English this week we have been writing a recount of the story in the form of a diary entry. We pretended that we were Toby and how we had just returned from a tough day of fire fighting. We had some super writing and the children got very creative. We also looked at Haiku’s which is a Japanese style of poetry and we wrote our own based on the theme of the story.

In PE we built on our dribbling football skills and progressed to passing the ball along the floor to a partner. We are already seeing vast improvements in ball control.

 In Science we have been looking at the different parts of a plant and what their functions are. We also set up a mini experiment with white flowers and food colouring water to see what happens..

In Art we did our printing pictures and it was great to see the difference on each print when we varied pressure and the paint began to run out.

We had a wonderful time at the zoo and enjoyed seeing lots of different animals. We got to get up close with a giant snail and a snake. The snake kept sticking it’s tongue out at us!

Please keep reading, complete maths and writing homework and have a wonderful weekend.

Miss G x


Friday 12th January 2024


Group 4: st, pl, nt, pr and tricky word ‘like’.

Group 6: spelling rules

Group 5: mb, kn, gn, wr, language session.

This week in English we have thought about how the character in our book would have been feeling at different points in the story. We then set fire to some paper houses to show how the fire would have spread and to use our senses to think about what it would have been like during the event.

In PE we started our topic of football skills and we learnt how to keep the ball close and dribble it with control. We had to use the side of our foot and use little kicks to make sure it didn’t go too far away.

In Science we began looking at the different parts of a plant. We looked at some real plants and enjoyed looking at their stringy root, petals, stem and leaves.

In RE the children talked about how Muslim’s worship.

PE is on a Wednesday and a Friday so please ensure kits are kept in school.

We are very excited to be going to the zoo on Thursday!

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x


Autumn Term 2 2023

Knowledge Organisers




Weekly Updates

Friday 15th December 2023


Group 5: ge, gi, gy, dge sounds.

Group 4: br, nch, pt, str and tricky word said.

Group 6: spelling rules mats.

In DT we made our boxes to put our biscuits inside. We decorated the boxes using some lovely coloured material. We made the biscuits ourselves!

In Music we listened to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker and created our own galloping and marching dance. We also had to follow the beat with our feet.

In Science we made posters to show everything that we know about the four seasons. We remembered lots of interesting facts such as evergreen trees keeping their leaves during winter whereas deciduous trees lose their leaves.

In PE we had our final basketball-style skills session and we had  a mini 2v2 game where we had to try and get the ball off our opponent and try to get the ball into the hoop to score a point.

We really enjoyed performing our Nativity to the local pre-schools, key stage two and to the wonderful parents. Thank you for supporting us!

Please keep reading over the weekend, we have two final days left!

Miss G x


Friday 8th December 2023

Phonics: group 6 – spelling rules mats

Group 4 – fr, bl, st, tr, gr and tricky word ‘do’.

Group 5 – sc (scene) st (listen), ge (large), gi (giraffe), gy (energy), language session and assessment games for an end of unit –  

This week we were very lucky to have a visitor come and talk to us about Islam. We were able to try on authentic clothing and watch real-life videos of her visiting a mosque and the Kaabah in Saudi Arabia.

In Geography we role played what it would be like to visit an airport to go on holiday. We took it in turns to take on stations and do things such as luggage, security scanning, passport checking and getting onto the plane. It was really good fun.

In PSHE we talked about what it means to be a good friend and we came up with a good friend recipe – we decided that they needed to have qualities such as being a good listener, sharing, caring and kind.

In English this week we have learnt to use expanded noun phrases and then used these to describe a wintry setting from our story.

We have also looked at some winter-themed poetry and thought about our senses and all of the things that we would hear, smell, taste etc, if we were out in the snow. We used this to inspire us to write a winter poem ourselves.

We have been practising our play and think we are ready for our dress rehearsal to the rest of the school and the local pre-schools on Monday – eek!

We have decided not to issue homework this week so children can really work on their lines and their reading books and not have to worry about completing maths or spelling sheets.

Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 1st December 2023


Group 6 – phase 6 SPAG activities

Group 3: fl, fr and sl – we have begun phase 4 consonant blends. It’s tricky! Tricky word: do.

Group 5: language session, c, ci and cy (icy), sc – scene and end of unit assessment games.

The children went to Truro catherdral this week and the amount of ‘wows’ when we saw the building was a delight to hear. We had a tour of the catherdral and looked at little scenes that had been set up to show parts of the christmas story.

In computing the children have been comparing digital art to drawing with pastels. We had to create the same picture using both methods and decide which we preferred. Most children prefered the digital version!

In RE we talked abot waiting for something to happen and hw this links to Advent. On Friday we also got to reveal our class advent calendar and someone got to take the prized book home! The children also identified what is important to Christians at Christmas.

In science we answered the question of why there are so many leaves on the floor in Autumn. We learnt about coniferous and deciduous trees and how deciduous trees lose their leaves because the tempereature is colder and the tree cannot make enough food for itself, so the leaves change colour and fall off.

This week the year two children have been udnertaking some special challenges and they handled them superbly. It was a real chance to show off all of their super knowledge that they have. During this time, year one did some sentence writing practice with a winter theme to go alongside our class book of ‘Winter’s Child’.


Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 24th November 2023


Group 3: phase 3 sentence reading and matching to the correct picture, phase 3 reading word challenges.

Group 6: Year 2 SPAG challenge tasks.

Group 5: c, k, ch (chemist), ear (pear), are (square).


This week the children have been developing their ball skills in PE to lead up to a mini basketball style game. We have been practising bouncing a basketball and then challenged ourselves to bounce and move at the same time – this proved trickier but the children enjoyed keeping a score of how many they could manage in one go.

In Science the children have been looking at the season of summer. We discusse dhow the temperature is often warmer and it means people can do other activities such as go to the beach, wear less clothing, visit a water park.. We looked at a rainfall graph and found that the summer months are where there is usually less rainfall. We also found out that the summer is when there are the longest hours of daylight.. June and July have up to 16 hours!

The children have been working very hard on their play rehearsal. More and more children have been remembering their lines which is fantastic. It is beginning to come together – fingers crossed!

The children have learnt about Road Safety week so please ask your child to tell you soe ways to keep safe – it is extra important now they evenings are getting darker earlier.

Please remember that we have our trip to Truro on Monday. Children need to be at St. German’s train station by 8:15 am and class Cremyll will be returning to the station at approximately 2:30 pm.

As always, please read a minimum of five times a week and complete one maths workout.

Have a tremendous weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 17th November 2023

Phonics group 6: phase 6 spelling rules.

Group 5: ear as eer and ere, air as care and pear.

Group 3: ear, air, ure, er.

This week in English we have been learning how to use a question mark correctly to ask a character from the story some questions about why he run off. We talked about the words that a question would start with.

In science we built on our previous knowledge of Winter and started to learn about the Spring. We found out that things begin to grow, animals re born, birds that migrated for the winter, return. We found out that the months in Spring are March, April and May.

In Geography the children joined with Class Lynher and crated our own 3D globes. Our task is to decide where Mrs Norton should go on holiday, using our knowledge of the continents and temperatures in them.

We talked about bullying this week for Anti-Bullying week – the children had very sensible discussions.

In PE we have been developing our ball skills by rolling, throwing and catching.

Please read 5 times this week and ensure all homework is completed. Learning play lines can be written in the journal as reading.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 10th November 2023

Phonics group 3: ar, or, ur, ow, phonics assessment games.

Phonics group 5: ir, er, ear, language session, assessment games.

Phonics group 6: phase 6 spelling rules application mats.

This week in Geography, we have been looking at the 7 continent son a world map. We could name them but we found it a bit trickier to locate them. This is something we will be doing regularly to ensure the knowledge is imbedded.

In DT the children have been exploring the types of packaging that biscuits come in. We took the packets apart and looked at how they have been designed and how useful they are.

In PSHE we have been thinking about how we are different but how this is not a negative thing. In RE we have been thinking about who Jesus was – why are Christians so bothered about who he is. We looked at Nativity scenes from other countries around the world and how they chose to depict the scene.

In English we have been writing the instructions on how to make the pumpkin soup that we made and ate on Monday. We had to write instructions beside the photos and ensure that we used imperative (bossy) verbs. The years twos had to challenge themselves further to use adverbs, too.

Please read 5 times a week and ensure that homework is completed. If reading and homework has not been completed then your child will not receive their reward of 15 added minutes of play time on a Friday.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 3rd November 2023


Group 3:Reviewing sounds we’ve found tricky: ai, igh, oa, language session.

Group 5: au, al, language session, ir.

Group 6: Phase 6 spelling rules practice, skills application sheets.


In RE the children have been thinking about what people do to get ready for Christmas. We talked about how Christians have Advent which is like a countdown to Christmas day.


In Computing the children were using tools on the paint app. We learnt that if you press ‘undo’ then the last image disappears.


In English we started our new book ‘Pumpkin Soup’ and we had to act out the story to the class. The performances were spectacular, and everyone had a go at using the confidence value and talking. They have also been learning about the importance of instructions and followed verbal instructions to plant a pumpkin seed. Next week we will be making pumpin soup!


In PE the children have been doing Gymnastics. They did some lovely balances using different numbers of body parts.


Homework: handwriting sheet, wordsearch and one white rose maths workout.


Have a super weekend,


Miss G x



Autumn Term 1 2023

Knowledge Organisers




 Weekly Updates

 Friday 20th October 2023

We made it! The first half term is COMPLETE! The amount of homework completed and 5x reading happening has been the best it has ever been and I am very grateful for all of your hard work.


Group 3: air, ure, er and a language session.

Group 6: prefixes, suffixes and root word finding.

Group 5: u-e (huge), u, oul (push, could), a language session and revision games.

The children looked at the five pillars of Islam in RE and designed their own prayer mats. They also used the wooden blocks to create their own mosque and the Kaaba. The children had to write in their books about what they had learnt this half term – they worked really hard!

In PE the children did gymnastics and have been learning about different types of jumps. They did star jumps, pencil jumps, half turns and full turns. They had to jump off of different sized horses.

The children have been read their Christmas play and been told their provisional roles. We listened to the new songs and enjoyed trying to join in where we could.

The children have worked very hard this week to act out the story of Hibernation Hotel. They then had to sequence the story and re-write is using words with the suffix -ed. On Friday the children performed their stories to their peers. Their confidence has developed immensely in doing this, just over this half-term.

Have a spooktacular half-term and we look forward to welcoming you back on October 31st!

Miss G x


Friday 13th October 2023

Phonics group 6: pre-fix un

Group 5: o and oe, ew (chew), ue (glue)

Group 3: ur, ow (cow), oi, ear.

This week we saw the introduction of our new class Cremyll ‘Quiet Critters’. They sit and watch us do our work but if we are too noisy or pet them, they run back to their safety container. The children have been super quiet and paying much more attention to their work.

In RE the children have talked about the 5 pillars of Islam and what they mean. The children made posters about one of their choice. In Computing, the children talked about how to use technology responsibly. Please ask the children to tell you to check they remember!

The children created a distance write this week where they had to do a completely unaided piece of writing. The children wrote about a robot and there were some lovely and creative ideas.

In PE we used our throwing, catching and batting skills to play a cricket style game. The children have progressed and the hitting accuracy has improved. The children remember to keep their eyes on the ball and be ready!

The children chose a famous person that they have learnt about to write about in History and it was lovely to see how much they remembered. They even sued the display and timeline in the classroom to support themselves. Very independent! In art the children looked at their work and thought about what they would like to improve on or change if they were to do it again.

This week the children only have their five reads to complete and a maths exercise in their books. They do not have a handwriting sheet.

Have a superb weekend, Miss G x


Friday 6th October 2023

Phonics group 6: pre-fix ‘re’.

Group 3: oo (spoon), oo (book), ar, or and trickyk word she.

Group 5: y (sky), I (mind), ow (blow) and o-e (bone).

In Art we have created a spiral mosaic that has been displayed in the school hall so please do come and have a look. They worked ever so hard on it and they look incredible.

In History we recalled our class trip and talked about all of the statues that we saw. We also completed a timeline to place where each of the famous people were and we also placed ourselves and the time that we were born.

In Computing we learnt about what a keyboard is for and had a go at using a digital keyboard to type. It was tricky to look at a computer one because the letters are in capitals!

To celebrate National Poetry Day we went on an autumnal senses walk and wrote our own poems – they were brilliant and I hope you enjoyed sharing these at home too.

In RE the children recalled what the Qu’ran is and how it should be treated. It is the Muslim holy text and it is written in Arabic.  We created our own page with our own special words on.

In PE the children have been building on their throwing and catching skills and had a go at hitting a ball with a cricket bat. They had to catch or retrieve the ball and then use their underarm throwing technique to get the ball back to the bowler.

Thank you to those that attended the Phonics workshop and I hope you found it useful.

Please complete handwriting homework and the wordsearch as well as one workout in the maths book.

As always, please read 5 times and record this in journals.


Pe Kits on a Wednesday and Friday please.


Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 29th September 2023

Phonics group 3: ai, ee, igh, oa and tricky word be.

Phonics group 6: suffix -es after x, ss and after ch, sh and tch.

Phonics group 5: ie, ey, y, ir, i-e.

In History this week we recalled famous people with local links in preparation for our visit to Plymouth. On the day of our trip the children still hadn’t seen any images of the statues so it was a real surprise. The children asked lots of questions and remembered lots of facts. They were real ambassadors for the school and used their school values at all times. We were very proud of them.

 In Art we continued our work on spirals and looked at looked at spiral shapes in shells and did some observational drawings using HB drawing pencils and watercolour pencils.

In PE the children had to recall all of the ways that we can help ourselves to throw and catch a ball accurately. We had to look at the person throwing it to us, use an underarm movement before releasing the ball at the right time and having our knees bent and hands ready to receive the ball/ We worked in pairs and then we had a go at a ball throwing circuit that got trickier and trickier as we added more balls!

Please can children all have a named PE kit in school at all times. We have PE twice a week – currently a Wednesday and a Friday.

Please don’t forget that year 1 and some year 2 parents have been invited to attend a phonics information session on Thursday at 2:30 pm.


One maths workout in the white book.

Onwe handwriting sheet, one word search

Reading 5x and recorded in journals.


Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 22nd September 2023

This week in class Cremyll

Phonics 3: ch, sh, th, ng and a language session.

Phonics 5: eigh, ey, ei, ea and e-e.

Phonics 6: plural suffixes -s and -es.

In our History lesson we reminded ourselves of what it is to be famous and recapped famous/significant people. We discussed that there are famous people that have local links. We learnt about Tom Daley who grew up in Plymouth and won an Olympic Gold medal for diving. We recognised that Jack Leslie was a footballer and that he used to play for Plymouth Argyle. He was the first black footballer to be called up to play for England. We discussed what an MP was and made links to our school council. We looked at pictures of the houses of Parliament and found out that the first female MP was Nancy Astor who stood for Plymouth. We learnt about Isambard Kingdom Brunel who designed the Royal Albert Bridge between Devon and Cornwall - he was a very famous engineer.


In art we continued our work on spirals. We used oil pastels and black sugar paper to make spiral snails.


In PSHE we talked about and decided our class rules. We typed them up and signed them to say we agree with them. In RE we talked about the Prophet Mohammad and how Muslim’s must say ‘peace and blessings upon him’ after saying his name.


In Science we talked about the senses and which body parts are responsible for them.


Please ensure homework is completed by Thursday as it will be collected then.


Have a super weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 15th September

 Phonics group 3: y,zz,qu and a language session

Phonics group 6: suffix -ed

Phonics group 5: wh, ph


In English we have been looking at the text 'Wanted: the perfect pet'. We have been thinking about what the problems in each chapter were and how they were solved. We have also been thinking about adjectives to describe different animals. 


Year 1 maths: Counting forwards and backwards up to 10.

Year 2: Partitioning number to 100 and using place value charts. 


In Science we labelled a human body picture and built on the parts we knew from last week. 


In Art the children have been using a range of materials to create lovely spiral pictures. They used chalk on the playground and charcoal on paper.


Children are to read 5x during the week please, 

complete one workout in the Maths book

and complete their wordsearch and handwriting/spelling sheet.


From next week, PE will be Wednesdays and Fridays so please ensure kits are in school.


Have a super weekend, 


Miss G x

Friday 8th September 

 It as been a wonderful week for class Cremyll and I could not be prouder of how they have settled in and risen to the challenge of a brand new year. The children are taking new rules and routines in their strides and have been excellent role models for the new little ones. 


From next week children will be bringing home homework. This will consist of a white maths book where the expectation is they complete a page a week. Children should be able to access the content alone but will require adult support to  read the questions to them. Alongside this will be some spelling sheets. Each week children will complete a handwriting spelling sheet and a word search. Year one children will not be tested on their spellings but year two will be. Children are also, as always, expected to read a minimum of five times a week and have this signed and  recorded in their journals.


We have had  a lovely week of reviewing the phonics each group had previously learnt before the end of the holidays to make sure none of our knowledge disappeared during the long six week break! We have also been doing lots of counting forwards and backwards to 100 as we find some of the larger numbers tricky so we will be doing this a lot for brain warm ups. The children have worked hard to act out, draw and then write about the best day of their life. We had some very lovely performances.


The children have enjoyed thinking about who is special to them in RE and in Science they have been showing all of their incredible knowledge about the human body parts before we begin our new unit next week. 


Year 1 children had their first go at 99 club this week and they managed to solve so many addition problems using counters to support them. 


Have a super weekend, 


Miss G X