Home Learning:
There will be three main aspects of home learning to complete, and for every one of these completed the children will earn 5 minutes of Golden Time on a Friday.
1. Reading – children should read at least 3 times per week. Their reading journals should be signed by parents when they have read. They will then be signed by staff every Friday.
2. Time tables – Times Tables Rockstars. 20 minutes completed per week at home will give a further 5 minutes of Golden Time.
3. Spelling – eventually your child will have a Spelling Shed log in (a great online programme for spelling) where they will have tasks to complete linked to their words for the week. It is very phonics linked and targets the main spelling rules. Until this rolls out, please practice your child’s spellings with them.
There will be three main aspects of home learning to complete, and for every one of these completed the children will earn 5 minutes of Golden Time on a Friday.
1. Reading – children should read at least 3 times per week. Their reading journals should be signed by parents when they have read. They will then be signed by staff every Friday.
2. Time tables – Times Tables Rockstars. 20 minutes completed per week at home will give a further 5 minutes of Golden Time.
3. Spelling – eventually your child will have a Spelling Shed log in (a great online programme for spelling) where they will have tasks to complete linked to their words for the week. It is very phonics linked and targets the main spelling rules. Until this rolls out, please practice your child’s spellings with them.
Class Cremyll can wear their PE kits to school on a Tuesday & Wednesday.
Autumn Term 1 2024
Knowledge Organiser
Weekly Updates
Friday 13th September 2024.
It has been a busy week for year one and two! We have been thinking about what we'd like to know about alligators to research for our non-chronological report writing. We got to use the iPads to find out some interesting facts.
In PE the children had to listen and follow lots of instructions. It was fun to take it in turns to shout out some pirate-themed instructions for our friends to act out.
Maths has been counting forwards and backwards from different numbers up to 20. It's a little tricky to any extra counting practice will be helpful.
In Computing we have been looking at what IT (information technology) there is around school. We came up with lots of ideas and thought about what life would be like if we didn't have them.
Have a wonderful weekend.