Summer 1 2023

Friday 26th May
What a fantastic way to finish off the half term. The class used their confidence, EforL, kindness and RandR on this beautiful afternoon for sports day. Congratulations to everyone and particular mention to Rose and Charlie for winning the key stage 2 gold medals, Matilda silver and Dylan and Phoebe bronze. Also congratulations to Scotland for winning the house cup. Elsewhere this week we had a fun day of science practical. We learnt about pulleys and used one to move objects on to a table, we learnt how moving the position of a fulcrum affects the balance of it and also did a friction experiment to try and make a car move more slowly down a ramp. We also played dodgeball in PE and were practising our catching skills.
Spelling due Wednesday
Reading everyday plus as much extra you can do in the holiday as possible
Maths due Thursday
Have a lovely half term.
Friday 19th May 
We have had a fun practical week. In DT we have made our adventure maps and then class Cremyll came and tried them out. We then evaluated them.
We had sports day practice for PE and tried out all the of the different races and demonstrated them to the other classes.
This afternoon we were looking at gravity and air resistance in science and carried out an experiment to see how we could make a parachute fall more slowly.
Reading as usual
Spelling due Wednesday
Maths due Thursday
Friday 12th May
Year 6 have been fantastic this week using their confidence to approach the SATs calmly trying their best. 
Year 5 have been using lots of enthusiasm on some thinking activities such as a disgusting menu and planning a ten star hotel with a theme. 
We have also spent two afternoons on our DT/Computing unit where we are designing an adventure map for class Cremyll and then programming a BBot to navigate it - debugging on the way as necessary.
There was a lot of enthusiasm for learning used in history this week beginning to look at slavery.
Spelling due Wednesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading every day
Friday 5th May
We have had an exciting week naming pigs, celebrating the coronation, playing tennis and listening to more genres of music from the twentieth century. We have also enjoyed describing a virtual world and writing a story about a statue from our chosen genre. In maths year 5 have been very confident with decimals and year six have been translating and reflecting shapes.
The only homework this week is to read as usual.
Friday 28th April
In art we were really pleased to welcome Robin back in for a follow up clay workshop. We learnt two new ways of making pots - the coil and the slab. 
We were excited to go and visit the piglets in the field. They are very cute.
In English we learnt our last dog - Vocabulary Victor - to help us to understand and work out the meaning of words in context.
In maths year 6 have been drawing shapes accurately both in length and size of angle. Year 5 have been learning about symmetry and linking it to coordinates.
Reading due every day signed by an adult from home
Spellings due Wednesday
Yr 5: criticise, advertise, capitalise, finalise, equalise, fertilise, terrorise, socialise, visualise, vandalise
Yr 6: accommodate, accompany, access, accuse, accost, accrue, accuracy, accomplish, accumulate, accentuate
Small group: television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure
Maths due Friday
Friday 21st April
In maths year 6 have been doing shape and angles. We enjoyed applying what we knew about angles to a pie chart. We also learnt how to find the mean. Year 5 have been looking at coordinates and have been finding the missing coordinate to make a shape. We also had fun using 3d shapes to help us to answer questions on the properties of 3d shapes.
Year 6 have been enjoying some SATs prep, looking at the type of questions that may be asked and doing some independent revision on BBC Bitesize. 
For English we have been looking at reading comprehension and the different types of questions that can be asked. Dogs were used as a way to remember different question types such as Predicting Pip and Inference Iggy.
We have begun to look at how music changed through the twentieth centuries and listened to songs from different genres. We have been discussing whether we like it and why.
For PE we were doing handball and we learnt the over head pass and bounce pass and played piggy in the middle using those skills. We also had a challenge to throw the ball into the air and see how many times we could clap before we needed to catch it.
Reading due every day
Spelling due Wednesday
Maths due Thursday